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An Overview of Consumer Product Safety Law (PSC)

According to Consumer Product Safety Law, consumer products ...

Introduction about Tensile Test

Tensile test is a test to determine a series of characterist...

Bending test

Bending test is the test to determine the mechanical propert...

Hardness test

Hardness is the ability of a material to resist being presse...

Common textile fiber identification methods

Textile fiber is the fine substance with a diameter of sever...

Introduction to Cyclic Corrosion Test

The salt spray test has gone through a process from constant...

Introduction to PSC Certification

According to the Japanese Consumer Goods Safety Law, c PSC c...

BfR updates VOC test method for food contact silicone

On 1 February 2023, the German Federal Institute for Risk As...

UKCA announced the indefinite extension of the use of CE marks for enterprises

On August 1, 2023, the British government officially announc...

SRRC releases technical requirements and test methods for wireless LAN equipment’s ability to support IPv6 protocol

On October 13, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Informatio...